Let’s Realign with Our Innate Wisdom as Women & Mothers

Astrology, Human Design & Nature Inspired Guidance
for Birth, Mothering, and Your Soul

Welcome, I’m Karolina.

I’m a Mother, Moon Lover, Pregnancy and Birth Guide, Prenatal Yoga & Yoga Nidra Guide, and Creative. I support, nurture, and guide women as they prepare for the portal of birth and begin their motherhood journey. I’m here to guide you back to your own inner knowing and wisdom.

I just want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge. Life is crazy busy, but I find that when I take the time to read your e-mails and really sit with the content, it helps my mental health immensely.
So, THANK YOU. I will keep reading!

— Kate T.

There is infinite wisdom within you. It’s time to remember how powerful you are.

Pregnancy and birth remind us of how essential it is to restore our connection to our intuition and our body, especially as women. The feminine is the body, it is the ability to use our inner guidance to see and know what it is we need at any given moment. It’s time to rekindle this connection and come back home to the powerful feminine source of wisdom and beauty within.


Deciding to become a mother sets you off on one of the most profound transformations - mind, body, and spirit. I am here to guide you through this rite of passage in a way that is honoring to your spirit, empowering to your body, and elevating to your mind, so you feel and experience your own power and potential. I want you to reconnect with the sacred feminine within, the part of you that is unbound, free, and infinitely wise, the part of you that lives in your body (not in your mind).

My mission and passion are to guide you back to your body's innate wisdom and the power of your intuition as you journey through pregnancy, birth, and into motherhood.

Begin uncovering your wisdom.

  • receive personal guidance for your birth

    Do you want to feel deeply held as you journey toward your baby’s birth? Do you know that you hold innate wisdom for birth and have strong motherly instincts, you simply desire someone to guide you to uncovering it? It is my deep calling to both hold women in reverence of their inherent wisdom and truth, and guide them on their journey towards having the most expansive birth of their dreams. We take a look at your birth chart and human design, work through your fears, and pinpoint your deepest desires, and create a blueprint that feels empowering and expands what’s possible.

  • rituals & practices for the motherhood journey

    When you practice self-love and self-care you become centered within yourself and from there everything flows that much more gracefully. This is your time to focus on staying within your body, rekindling that connection to the sacred feminine within, connecting with baby, and giving yourself the space to rest, go within, nourish and replenish. Explore the practices that will help you stay in the frequency of love and grace during this precious time.

  • shop gifts for mamas and kids

    I’m currently in a very creative flow in my life and have opened up a little shop, for now on Etsy. I'm slowly building it with my astro, Human Design, and watercolor creations while the littlest one naps. In the shop you’ll find a pregnancy and postpartum journal, Human Design prints, a Days of the Week Wheel for kids, and in the coming months I'll be adding some watercolor prints, astro chart paintings, and so much more. Feel free to Like my shop to follow and get all the updates!